U.S. Peace Corps Volunteers in Albania.

DISCLAIMER: The thoughts and opinions expressed on this blog do not reflect those of the Peace Corps or of the U.S. Government in general.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy 9th err 4th of Korriku umm I mean July

This is my best attempt to keep the blog updated, the posts might be shorter but I will keep everyone hopefully a little more updated on our lives.
On Friday we got to go to the 4th of July party sponsored by some Americans, to be honest I don't know who they were but it sounds something like AMCHAM. We were just excited to be able to go, as we originally did not get peace corps tickets. 30 tix for 90 volunteers, and the math didn't add up, but thanks to US Aid (actually David Smith a contractor for the organization) coming to the rescue, who knew they were into this type of aid, we got tickets. The party was a lot of fun even though no one can figure out why it was on the 9th, a full 5 days after the 4th, which was a Sunday and either the Friday or Saturday would have seemed to be better dates to have the festival. The location was at the Wilson School, an international school named after Woodrow Wilson, and managed to have pretty good hot dogs, although the hamburgers left a lot to be desired. A few of the Albanian beers companies also showed up as well as a winery/brandy(ery) to keep the party lively. They even had a very decent fireworks display at dusk. After we went to the Block (short-north of Columbus, or warehouse district in Cleveland). Well I don't know how much partying is going on in Cleveland right now, but when there was partying in Cleveland I guess the Warehouse district was where it was done at. So we found a bar and hung out with a few Navy sailors. All in all a blast, and we even felt our first Albanian earthquake. We hear they are quite common here but not as much in Tirana and not this big, although it was a modest 4.8. The deck we were sitting on just wobbled a bit, many people around didn't even seem to notice. Yesterday we made it back from Tirana, and met up with some friends to (not) watch the soccer match. All in all a very exciting weekend and we are taking today off to catch up on the latest news of LeBron and the rest of the more exciting news of the world. Still hoping the all but sports is good in the US and everyone is doing well.

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